Come JOIN US on Our Adventure!
This blog is focused on FAMILY - reuniting and reconnecting. Starting March 19th, 2008, I will be journeying back to the Philippines with Pedro as he reunites with his birth family after 18 years. We will also visit my birth family and our shelter/children's home afterward. This will be a full 3-weeks, but really, this is the beginning of it all!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
In the Bukids (mountains)
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Visiting a few of my friends here in the city, then heading to Linabo tomorrow morning to see my family.
Quick update, but this Internet Cafe is too cold - tugnaw kaayo!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Back to Pangasinan... Our Final Days
Jeveelyn is patient #271 of the day.
Valeria making an appointment for Jeveelyn's X-rays. She will need to return to Manila in one week.
The kids enjoying their last day together at the Resort. (R to L) Jendy, Jeveelyn, unknown, Pedro, Junardo, Marcello, Jelly and Jose.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Another Day in Manila
Tonight, we will be spending a night in Manila.
We left Pangasinan at 9:00 am this morning to visit an Orthopedi
We understand that being here in Manila and having Jeevelyn is important (and long overdue), so that is keeping us from being too upset about the situation - anyway, we can't do much about what has already happened tonight, and tomorrow is another day.
So "Maganda Gabi (good night), Manila!"
Friday, March 28, 2008
Speaking of Jeevelyn, we went to Dagupan on Wednesday to the Regional Medical Center.
So tomorrow is Kuya Jose's graduation. Valeria is now buying food and supplies for the celebration. I just got a text that they are done, so I will now go meet them at Jollibee, a filipino fastfood favorite. It seems that it is not often that the family goes out together, or to a restaurant, so Pedro and I are happy that we are able to do so while we are here.
So much for a short update, but hopefully we will be able to again soon.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Finally Here
We are on our 3rd day here in Pangasinan. It seems like we have been here for a much longer time, yet at the same time the days have flown by.
When we arrived at the airport in Manila, the SIM card in my cellphone was not registering, so I had to ask an airport official to borrow his cell to call Valeria. Showing how challenged we were to talk to her, Pedro got as far as "Hi - saan mo [where are you]?" and ended up having the official have a conversation with her. He graciously told us where to go, and we were on our way. The airport's arrival system is interesting in Manila. I hadn't experienced it before in when I flew in before, because I never was met by anyone until I flew to Mindanao - so it was definitely going to be an adventure. After exiting the airport, there is a ramp that directs travelers in different directions, depending on the passenger's last name. The official told us that Jose told him that he and Valeria were at "T" - however it didn't make sense to us because none of our names ended with that letter. We waded through a sea of people back and forth between "M" and "C" (Magni and Calagno), but finally decided the official may have been right and there under "T" was Valeria and Jose. We stood behind them, trying to shout over everyone else who was calling out names until the both finally turned around. (I was able to capture it on video - I will try loading it next time). Instead of sleeping in Manila that night (though it was already 11:00pm) we jumped onto a bus and traveled 6 hours north to the house of Valeria.
It was still dark when we arrived, but immediately when we got out of
When we entered that morning, there were mats, pillows and blankets laying all over the floor in both rooms, and two mosquito nets hanging overhead, as the kids were sleeping. They woke up as we entered - one by one, they approached Pedro and blessed him by bringing his hand to their forehed (a cultural sign of respect to elders). We spent the next hour getting acquainted, showing them pictures from the photo album Pedro's mother made for Valeria, and letting the kids wake up. By 5:00 am, we tried getting a little shut-eye before the day, but because of the adrenaline we laid there for only a minute before getting back up again and greeting the day!
Since then, we've spend the days hanging around the house, going to Ordineta where there is a
So now it is Monday, the kids are at school and Marcello is working. Valeria, Pedro, Jevelyn (the youngest) and I are on our way to Laoac and Ordineta to continue our errands. This Internet cafe is not very close to the house, but we hope to update again in a couple days. I feel badly to continue typing, as Pedro and Valeria are waiting. Pedro went online to print out several songs for Marcello and Jose to sing and play on the guitar. It's great that he brought his junior guitar, because he and the kids spend the day entertaining themselves with it. Last night, we went up to the bridge close to house and sat with some other boys who also had a guitar, and played and sang with them. It's great that music is one thing (along with smiles :) ) that can surpass the language barrier. And interestingly enough, many of the songs that they learn to play here are in English, so it's was great to be able to sing along with them.
Well, that is all for now, as I must go, but until next time.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Stuck in Bejing
So, Valeria and one of Pedro's brothers, Jose, was planning to meet us at the airport in Manila, and we'd stay at her relative's that night before heading to Pangasinan. However because we were not on the flight, we concerned about how to tell her we weren't coming. We, thankfully, were able to get a hold of Pedro's friend, Aika, who translates for us, to call Valeria and update her on what the situation was. After the first call, we thought Jose and Valeria had already gone back to Pangasinan. We were contemplating to staying in a hotel once we got there and travel to Pangasinan ourselves, rather than letting them spend the money to travel 6 hours back to Manila to try it all over again. When calling Aika again to have her tell Valeria the new plans, we learned that she and Jose were able to stay with their neighbor's niece in Manila - so they still will be able to meet us when we land.
Though this sets us back a day, I am a little glad that we were able to have the time to rest here in Bejing and adjust to the time change. Seeing how tired we were last night upon landing, I think it would have been a lot for us if we were to handle the first meeting as well. Thinking back on the moment I stood on in front of my birth mother and grandmother for the first time in 18 years, I remember there were a lot of emotions, questions and thoughts racing through my mind - so with 12+ hours of rest behind us, I think we're in a better state to jump into it all.
So now, we are here in Bejing Capital International Airport waiting to board. Because of our flight change, we also were upgraded to first class, which included access to the business lounge (classy). One more hour, and we'll be on our way to Manila.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I am sitting on my computer, about to finish putting together a photo album for my birth mother, and Pedro is in the other room finishing packing up his room. While he leaves, his parents will be repainting the walls, so we spend from when we arrived back at the house at 11:30 pm
So what we've
We spoke to Valeria, Pedro's birth mother, earlier tonight - Pedro call to just verify the flight information, as well as informing her that he sent her some money for the family, specifically for Jeevalyn (his youngest sibling, who's 4 years old and unable to walk) to get the medical attention she needs. He told her that when we arrive in Manila, we will assist her in setting up a bank account to keep the money there. Because Pedro just began taking Tagalog lessons with a tutor, and I only know another filipino dialect, we have difficulty understanding Valeria. Luckily, Pedro has a friend who is graciously willing to translate for him. Here is the beginning of tonight's conversation:
How we will communicate once we are there, without Pedro's friend "by our side", will be an interesting challenge - it was a concern that Valeria also brought up, but we all figured that we will somehow figure it out. Apparently, Valeria also speaks Visayan, which is the dialect that I am more familiar with. Hopefully, between the two of us, we'll be able to get along for the time that we're there (and thankfully for technology, Pedro has downloaded some of his Tagalog CD lessons onto his iPod - with the intention of spending some of our 20+ hours of travel studying the language! Let's see how much of that time will be catching up on sleep! :-P ).
Anyhow, it's already a little after 3:00 am - I still have to finish the album and Pedro has a last-minute trip to CVS (oh, procrastination...) But the next time we post, we will probably be in Manila and with Pedro's family. So, wish us safe travels and look forward to our next update!
Friday, March 14, 2008
I just picked up Pedro's passport this morning. We realized about a month ago that his previous one had expired last July, so we had to scramble to figure out how we could get one in time for the trip. Thankfully, he was able to call within 14 days of our departure to make an appointment to have the processing expedited. He went in this past Wednesday to submit his paperwork, and just two days later it was ready (good thing to remember for the future, if ever it happens again). So, we now have our tickets, our passports, no visas necessary... we're almost ready to go!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
What is it?