Tonight, we will be spending a night in Manila.
We left Pangasinan at 9:00 am this morning to visit an Orthopedi

c Specialist here in the capital. It wasn't until around 2:00 pm that we arrived in the city, however between then and getting to the hospital, we went to the sister's house of Valeria's neighbor and had dinner while waiting for a private vehicle to take us to the hospital. Though we were familiar with the very relaxed culture here around time, and the desire to entertain and feed, Pedro and I found it frustrating that there was a spoken urgency about having Jeevelyn see the doctor, however the actions of "taking a rest" and dining didn't correlate.

We ended up arriving at the hospital at 5:50 pm this evening, and when we finally got all of our paperwork together, the guard said "bukas" - which means "tomorrow." It also means spending another day in Manila; it means another day spent away from the rest of the siblings; and it means disappointing the family because we promised the kids a day at the beach. We still may take them on Wednesday, but we are finding it most difficult because these are our final days with Pedro's family.
We understand that being here in Manila and having Jeevelyn is important (and long overdue), so that is keeping us from being too upset about the situation - anyway, we can't do much about what has already happened tonight, and tomorrow is another day.

So "Maganda Gabi (good night), Manila!"
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