We are so exhausted.... I worked all day, and he ran around the city (and then some) getting last minute stuff done. We sat in the car this morning, making lists of what needed to get done, at what time, in what order. Oh, intentions are always great - but in the end we are still up.
I am sitting on my computer, about to finish putting together a photo album for my birth mother, and Pedro is in the other room finishing packing up his room. While he leaves, his parents will be repainting the walls, so we spend from when we arrived back at the house at 11:30 pm
So what we've
We spoke to Valeria, Pedro's birth mother, earlier tonight - Pedro call to just verify the flight information, as well as informing her that he sent her some money for the family, specifically for Jeevalyn (his youngest sibling, who's 4 years old and unable to walk) to get the medical attention she needs. He told her that when we arrive in Manila, we will assist her in setting up a bank account to keep the money there. Because Pedro just began taking Tagalog lessons with a tutor, and I only know another filipino dialect, we have difficulty understanding Valeria. Luckily, Pedro has a friend who is graciously willing to translate for him. Here is the beginning of tonight's conversation:
How we will communicate once we are there, without Pedro's friend "by our side", will be an interesting challenge - it was a concern that Valeria also brought up, but we all figured that we will somehow figure it out. Apparently, Valeria also speaks Visayan, which is the dialect that I am more familiar with. Hopefully, between the two of us, we'll be able to get along for the time that we're there (and thankfully for technology, Pedro has downloaded some of his Tagalog CD lessons onto his iPod - with the intention of spending some of our 20+ hours of travel studying the language! Let's see how much of that time will be catching up on sleep! :-P ).
Anyhow, it's already a little after 3:00 am - I still have to finish the album and Pedro has a last-minute trip to CVS (oh, procrastination...) But the next time we post, we will probably be in Manila and with Pedro's family. So, wish us safe travels and look forward to our next update!
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