Come JOIN US on Our Adventure!

This blog is focused on FAMILY - reuniting and reconnecting. Starting March 19th, 2008, I will be journeying back to the Philippines with Pedro as he reunites with his birth family after 18 years. We will also visit my birth family and our shelter/children's home afterward. This will be a full 3-weeks, but really, this is the beginning of it all!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Stuck in Bejing

Due to incliment weather leaving Newark, NY, Pedro and I are one day behind schedule. Our flight into Bejing landed after the time we were supposed to depart on our way to Manila. Unfortunately, the next available flight wasn't until 24 hours later - so the airline put us up for the night, paid for our meals (except for 38 yuan - they didn't tell us that there was a limit of 50 yuan per person before hand). I think this is the longest layover I have had yet, but I'm really happy to have Pedro here with me to spend it with.

So, Valeria and one of Pedro's brothers, Jose, was planning to meet us at the airport in Manila, and we'd stay at her relative's that night before heading to Pangasinan. However because we were not on the flight, we concerned about how to tell her we weren't coming. We, thankfully, were able to get a hold of Pedro's friend, Aika, who translates for us, to call Valeria and update her on what the situation was. After the first call, we thought Jose and Valeria had already gone back to Pangasinan. We were contemplating to staying in a hotel once we got there and travel to Pangasinan ourselves, rather than letting them spend the money to travel 6 hours back to Manila to try it all over again. When calling Aika again to have her tell Valeria the new plans, we learned that she and Jose were able to stay with their neighbor's niece in Manila - so they still will be able to meet us when we land.

Though this sets us back a day, I am a little glad that we were able to have the time to rest here in Bejing and adjust to the time change. Seeing how tired we were last night upon landing, I think it would have been a lot for us if we were to handle the first meeting as well. Thinking back on the moment I stood on in front of my birth mother and grandmother for the first time in 18 years, I remember there were a lot of emotions, questions and thoughts racing through my mind - so with 12+ hours of rest behind us, I think we're in a better state to jump into it all.

So now, we are here in Bejing Capital International Airport waiting to board. Because of our flight change, we also were upgraded to first class, which included access to the business lounge (classy). One more hour, and we'll be on our way to Manila.
Let's pray for smooth sailing from now on!

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